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#Doing business in Belgium

Update: Extension of the corona measures up in Belgium until 19 April 2020

The National Security Council of 27 March decided to extend the measures taken previously by two weeks, i.e. up until 19 April. They can then be extended for a further two weeks, i.e. up until 3 May. The situation will be assessed on a day-to-day basis.

The measures we communicated earlier remain fully applicable. This means that:

  • travel to Belgium and abroad within the framework of professional activities, including commuting, is permitted;
  • workplaces where the social distancing measures (1.5 metres distance) cannot be respected must close;
  • the social distancing measures must also be respected for journeys to and from the workplace and for the transport to cross the Belgian border;
  • when crossing the border, employees/self-employed persons must have their identity card/passport, A1, Limosa document and employer’s statement/declaration of self-employed status with them to prove that they are making an authorised professional journey;
  • a paper vignette must be used for the professional travel of workers in the vital occupations/crucial sectors;


Violations will be punished. The government will shortly introduce a system for the immediate collection of fines.

© Van Havermaet International 2024