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#Doing business in Belgium

Annual wage indexations – metal sector

Belgium applies automatic wage indexation to protect workers’ purchasing power against inflation, but this also means increased costs for employers.  

The mandatory indexation of wages is regulated at sector level. Sectoral collective labour agreements lay down how and when you must index wages.  

Within the metal sector, indexation of wages takes place in the month of July each year. On 1 July 2023, the following indexations are provided for: 

  • for blue-collar workers (JC 111): indexation of 6.38% of gross wages 
  • for white-collar employees (JC 209): indexation of 6.38% of gross wages.  

These are only forecasts so these percentages may still change.  

In addition to the mandatory wage indexation, other CLA increases may occur during the year. Employers in the metal sector should therefore take these costs into account when negotiating their prices or when drawing up budgets. 

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