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#International mobility

Trying to find your ideal Employee? Look a little further!

More and more companies are feeling the shortage in the labour market. Is your company too unable to find suitable profiles? Then perhaps it is worth looking across Belgian and European borders! At Van Havermaet, you can count on a professional team that effortlessly takes care of the entire procedure of hiring a foreign employee.

Hiring an employee in Belgium who is not an EU national requires an authorisation to work. If the stay and employment is shorter than 90 days, this means that a labour card and a residence permit are required. If the stay and employment lasts longer than 90 days, you must apply for a combined permit (single permit).

A authorisation to work can only be granted if the foreigner’s work belongs to a certain category. The categories ‘highly educated’ and ‘bottleneck occupation’ are the most common. Each category also imposes additional conditions.

Did you find the perfect foreign employee, but don’t know how to handle the employment? Then contact us and we will guide you through the process.

© Van Havermaet International 2024