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International focus on cross-border deliveries of goods, including BREXIT and VAT reform 2019

Following the success of the first International VAT Summit in 2017, the AWA Foreign Trade Academy is pleased to invite you to Hamburg again to discuss current VAT topics from an international perspective.

The International VAT Summit 2018 is intended for all importers and exporters interested in chain transactions, international supplies and toll manufacturing as well as evidential duties. The event will be of particular interest to managers in tax, customs or logistics.

The contradictory rulings by the European Court and Fiscal Court on chain transactions have caused difficulties in practice. At European level, plans are afoot for a comprehensive reform in 2019 to correct this situation. Until then, economic operators still have to be aware of national peculiarities and act accordingly.

Looking beyond 01.01.2019, the EU Commission has plans for an even more comprehensive reform of VAT. This reform will ensure that trade outside EU borders will generally be subject to the same tax rules as trade within a Member State. The ‘certified taxable person’ forms an important part of the new VAT system for trade within the Union. However, the existing system will offer these simplifications as well, especially in relation to chain transactions, consignment warehouses or proof of an intra-Community supply.

Depending on the nationality of the speaker, presentations will be held in either German or English.

Aim of the seminar

The aim of the International VAT Summit 2018 is to examine current VAT topics from an international perspective. This year, the Summit will focus on new developments in the treatment of chain transactions, consignment warehouses, certified taxable persons and VAT evidential duties which are planned for 2019. BREXIT will form another subject of discussion.


  • The latest developments in chain transactions, consignment warehouses as well as
  • the EU VAT reform planned for 2019 from the viewpoint of several countries.
  • Podium discussion and question rounds on chain transactions and interrupted dispatch or transport
  • Documentary evidence from the viewpoint of several countries
  • Toll manufacturing/works services/reverse charge from the viewpoint of several countries

Duration, Date & Venue

15. – 16.05.2018 // Hamburg // VAT180501

Follow the link to find further information:

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