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#Doing business in Belgium


The signing of the construction restart protocol by all the trade unions is a fact, including a number of refinements, such as collective transport and the technical regulations for the partition walls in the vans, the method of action against a worker who refuses to wear a mouth mask, working in buildings where Covid-19 patients are located, ….

The generic guide has also been adapted and is available in Dutch, French, English and German. You can find the latest version via this link:

In addition, Constructiv (service organisation of and for the construction industry) has made a number of prevention tools and checklists available to construction companies in order to carry out the risk analysis. These include:

  • General prevention sheet
  • Full risk analysis
  • Checklist with decision tree

Finally, we would like to mention that there is now also more clarity regarding the housing of your employees in Belgium:

  • Are your employees allowed to stay in a hotel, holiday park or campsite?
  • What about employees who live together under one roof?



We aim to inform you as well and as quickly as possible. The content of this article is based on the information available at the time of its publication. The stances expressed in our publications may change as a result of updates. This newsletter is therefore purely informative and does not create any binding or exhaustive advice. Naturally, we will try to adapt our texts to the changing guidelines and regulations as quickly as possible. For questions or advice, please contact our office.


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