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#Labour and personnel

The Belgian borders are closed to all non-essential travel

Are employees who live abroad, still allowed to come to Belgium to work here?

The Belgian borders are closed to all non-essential travel. This does not include professional travel: your employees may therefore still cross the border to come and work in Belgium.

However, they must have proof of identity and an employer’s declaration on their person. There is no mandatory format for this employer’s declaration. The Belgian government has already made this document available.

Moreover, the employee should have his A1 and Limosa certificate and his employment contract with him.

The police are currently actively carrying out checks, which can sometimes cause delays at border crossings. In order to prevent cross-border workers in vital sectors and with crucial occupations from being held up during checks, the Belgian authorities have introduced the vignette that can be found via this link. Don’t forget to have the vignette stamped with the employer’s stamp on the back!

What is to be understood by vital sectors and crucial occupations? Herewith a short overview of some vital sectors : (medical) care, pharmacies, media services, telecom, communication, security, government, transport, schools, fuel suppliers, food industry and trade in food, agriculture and horticulture, the production chains that cannot be shut down for technical reasons and others.
Of course, we can always assist you in this assessment.


Publication date: 23 March 2020

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